No Regrets…
Thierry Henry has spoken out and said he is happy with his decision to stay at Arsenal and to lead the team into a new era at the Emirates.
He also said that although Chelski are linked to huge amounts of money, they have won back to back titles because they are a good team.
Well it depends on what you call a good team. The Chelski fans obviously don’t think so because they have tickets on General Sale for their first home game and first game of their title defence against Manchester City!
If they don’t want to watch them why does anyone else!
And Adebayor has hit out at Reyes telling him “We don’t want you anyway”.
And he also pointed out that Henry is a perfect example of how to deal with interest from other clubs like Real Madrid and AC Milan – that we should just say no.
Jens Lehmann has been quoted as saying that Chelsea are not a big club, and that only Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal are.
Well Crazy Jens might have a point with the fact Chelsea can’t even sellout a 43,000 seater stadium when they’re Champions!
the piece in the headline that says “Ade hates Reyes” is not quite right/misleading i feel, he never said he don’t like Reyes or anything like that. he just said he wouldn’t mind Jose leaving if he doesn’t like it here
Reyes is too heavily influenced by his mother. You will remember her comments about England and Arsenal when the boy was tricked on the telephone last year. Its actually extremely sad that they dont let the kid get on with his life. Jose should have sent them back to Spain after year 1 because he clearly gets on well with his team mates and the manager.
Take your mind back to the begining of our last title defense and what we saw was a Reyes on form. Scoring goals and making assists. Then his fat mother arrives and suddenly he is unhappy, cant adapt…blah blah blah. If Reyes ends up staying someone needs to tell his family to fuk off back to Spain and leave him to focus on his career!!
send Reyes’s fat mother to Stanford Bridge , she’ll take a few seats up…
Good point. What’s the difference between Reyes, Senderos, Fabregas, Hleb, etc?
Reyes has his parents with him!
How can you even start to learn English if your Spanish parents are the people you talk to the most! At least Fabregas and Senderos made a big effort and speak decent English.
I don’t think that not being happy here is any sort of excuse – that’s the life of a footballer and it’s not as if we forced Reyes to join us!
The sooner we get rid of him the better – it’s all getting a little tired now…
REYES wat an arse, ship him back to spain so mumma’s cooking can take affect, we didnt force him to sign he decided it so how he is unhappy is beyond me.
The time has come that Reyes has to go. He has been a good asset to Arsenal and I have the upmost support for the guy. the story is boring now and its time to say goodbye. So Jose thanks, good luck and hope yo have a nice life.
Let get old scareface in and curtis davies. Then we are good to go.
It blows my mind that Reyes wants to leave the club and
to think I always stuck up for the brat when other people
said he was a waste of cash. I would understand Reyes
wanting to leave if hadn’t enjoyed any success at Arsenal
but that’s not the case…what has Real done during his
time in London…um…nothing. He’ll end up like Owen
or Graverson and sit the bench and then he’ll wish he had
IF he was so unhappy here why did he extend his contract for another 5 years recently? I’m with Ade though, if he wants to go then just go. Dein should accept whatever Real are offering, we need committed/happy players throughout the whole squad.
If the guy’s homesick he’s homesick, it’s just one of those things, it certainly doesn’t warrant the vitriol being sent his way. I wish he’d shut up about the Madrid thing however, tell Wenger not the press.
Chelsea are tossers
Hes not settled and has only produced the goods on and off and never for an entire season. He is however an exceptionally talented footballer and its a great shame we probobly wont see the best of him in the red and white. But the club wont let him go for anything less that he is worth and he is worth a lot of money. He came from spain with a lot of promice. He has shown some of that while winning silverware. He is a first team player and a starter in our team. As far as i can see his stock has risen while at the Arsenal and therefore Real should pay the going rate and not expect to get him cheap because he is unhappy. You pay for the footballer and not his baggage. When he goes i wish him all the best.
I am more concerned with the lack of signings than with Adey’s echoing of my sentiments. I also want him (Adey that is) to work more on his finishing so as not to give us another Pompey comedy this season. However, I quite like him, his team-play, athleticism, determination and attitude. He will surely improve, won’t he?
Ade only joined in January so will need time to settle. I do believe that he will produce the good this season, along with Robin Van Persie.
We don’t need Reyes so he can go as far as I’m concerned. He was brilliant for us in the 2nd half of the unbeaten season but after that has been piss poor! I’m sure his family haven’t helped by being down his neck all the time! They probably moan constantly at him for being stuck in England – who needs that?!
Reyes is a Spanish International so we should get at least £13/£14 million for him I’d say. But whether Real are going to spend that much on him is another matter!
Ade, Diaby, Rosicky have all yet to really settle and produce. And they all look like they can be influential players for us. And Walcott is just a kid so it will be a while b4 we see his best. Hleb looks to have settled and will be a major player this year i feel. All in all id love to see Reyes stay and produce regularly but if he goes we have enuff that he wont be sorely missed, only numbers wise that is.
Accept whatever real are offering? fuck that, those cunts always try that trick – ‘we want your player, and here’s 5 bob and a hairy button, which is our final offer. we’ve unsettled him now and he wants to leave, so you’d better accept it.’
i say if he wants to leave, then do not force him to stay, but by the same token, he should only be allowed to leave should arsenal receive a fair and just form of monetary/cash-plus-player compensation. I’m sick of real doing that – they got owen on the cheap, got gravesen on the cheap. if they want our player, who let us not forget is contracted til 2011, they should pay an according sum.
I wish jose to be happy, but i’d not be happy shoudl my club lose somethign like £10m on this deal. So if he wants to go, and they want to sign, then an agreement must be made which is right for 3 parties, not 2. And arsenal should receive their evaluation of the player.
»»Arsene Knows««
Didn’t we pay 17-20 mil for Reyes @ the time or was this just paper talk?
If so why would AW sell for this price of 13-14 mil now when he has improved as a player (or Madrid would not want him) & we also have him for another 5-6 years on his current contract, it just don’t add-up???
Or if this is true we seem to be being shafted on two fronts here from both the Chavs & Madrid I say fuck um both & let there contracts run down, it’s a long time not to play any football for both cashly & reyes & will ruin their career in the short term & let any other player in the same mind set know where we stand as a club!!!
Didn’t we pay 17-20 mil for Reyes @ the time or was this just paper talk?
If so why would AW sell for this price of 13-14 mil now when he has improved as a player (or Madrid would not want him) & we also have him for another 5-6 years on his current contract, it just don’t add-up???
Or if this is true we seem to be being shafted on two fronts here from both the Chavs & Madrid I say fuck um both & let there contracts run down, it’s a long time not to play any football for both cashly & reyes & will ruin their career in the short term & let any other player in the same mind set know where we stand as a club!!!
I hate Arsenal fans as they all think they are smart fans. I am an idiot too…
You know why I really hate about Cole/Reyes is that this season the main talking points in all the website forums should have been how everyone is looking forward to seeing our captain(who has just signed a 4 year contract)leading out our team in our new home in front of 60,000 fans – marking a new exciting era for the club.Instead the discussions have been about these 2 arseholes wanting to leave the club as soon as possible.Well, it now looks as if they will not get their wishes and could spend this season,hopefully,rotting in our reserve team!!
Well said Wingston! Apparentley the latest is 14mil and the BEAST. That’ll do me.
These over-paid pricks (Reyes/Cole) think their shit doesn’t stink. Grow up you fuckers there’s probably 50mil people in the world that would cut off a left testi to be where you’re at now, and one’s ‘homesick’, and the other said that ‘the Guns left him out to dry’ (or something like that). Grow up and show some balls.
Fuck REAL, fuck CHELSEA, and fuck you both if you think you can spit your dummies to the media and get your way. For fucks sake you’re supposed to be professional footballers!
25mil for Cashley and at least the above for mamma’s boy, otherwise get your arse’s to training, and run like your life depended on it!
I would dearly love Cashley to score the winner against chelsea this year, it would be weird but, hhhmmmm…. wouldn’t be nice?
good point elegantly put
Hello, i am also an arsenal fan, but new to this site, i really like ur comments, but for me, how can madrid pay almost 11 million for Van the man who is almost 30 and don’t even want to up their price for Reyes? it’ s a pity indeed, they should fuck off and try something different, Reyes is good and i really want him to stay, but if he wants to leave so be it, but the right price and i know that the Professor will handle everything right, if he leaves, we have enough coverups so don’t worry, this year will be our year, we will win the league, trust me on that, i maybe the only one to say that, but it shall be well, Arsenal till i die.
I think some people are being a bit unfair on the guy.
If you started a job with a new employer and then found out afterwards that you couldnt settle for whatever the reason i.e the travelling, the people, whatever, you would think about moving, right?
So whats the difference with reyes?
I know he signed a new contract last year but lets face it who wouldnt take the extra cash? I am sure at that time, he was trying his best to settle and give it sufficient time to try and make it work, like any normal person would.
If hes unhappy, then go. Fine. But until the deal is sealed, please lets not slate the guy to the high heavens. If the deal dont go through we could well be cheering him on next year.
$20M and not a penny less – otherwise tell the wankers to shove it up thier arse!!! (an excellent international player playing for one of the worlds elite national teams at his prime, with so much more to offer, besides he’s got 4 more years to serve his contrators) why sell him cheaply? real probably will come banging on the door come next season, and the next…
whatever!! ur so hetro..