Arsenal are horribly predictable.
They say we play the best football in the league but honestly, it’s quite boring to me now. It’s the same old predictable football which never has an end product.
Someone should tell Arsene Wenger football is about scoring goals, not pointless passing that never really troubles teams who are well organised. All teams have to do is sit back and they know that we will run out of ideas.
And another thing which is horribly predictable is the way Arsenal collapse.
I tell you, if this Arsenal team had some balls or a spine, we’d be dangerous.
Do you remember the unbelievable collapse at St James’ Park when we were 4-0 up? Newcastle United, of all teams, managed to peg us back to 4-4. That is the only time in Premier League history that a team has blown a 4-0 lead. Quite an achievement if you ask me.
And I don’t need to remind you about the ridiculous Carling Cup Final.
So when Eboue inexplicably fouled Lucas after Arsenal had done all the hard work and got the lead through a van Persie penalty, you weren’t surprised.
This team doesn’t have any leaders, or players with back bone. Fabregas doesn’t want to be here, and too many players are pampered and hide when the going gets tough. Arsenal are regularly accused of trying to score the “perfect goal” but in reality, most of the players don’t have the balls to take responsibility so are passing the ball so they don’t have to do anything themselves. They over pass because it’s easier to give someone else the ball instead of taking the game by the scruff of the neck.
We cross the ball but no-one ever has the intelligence to actually make a run into the box and get on the end of them.
And why the hell does Wenger persist in putting Bendtner on the right? Surely if you’re after a goal and crossing the ball Bendtner is the man you want on the end of the crosses?
Defensively Arsenal are fragile. If Suarez wasn’t so wasteful in possession, Liverpool probably could have beaten us today. And for all Arsenal’s possession, Reina hardly had to make a save. All that possession but no-one has the balls to take a shot.
Arsenal need a change of personnel and a change of philosophy. Van Persie aside, we have no-one in the team with a winner’s mentality. We over play and waste a lot of chances. We need to be far more direct and clinical, we seem to pass the ball around for the sake of it. Barcelona’s passing game is neat one-touch football which usually results in a chance after 9/10 passes. We take far too many touches and the decision making at times is awful.
Arsene Wenger was in disbelief after the game but he has to take a look at himself. It’s been the same old story for the last 7 seasons now and things have to change. I’ve been a supporter of Arsene’s approach over the baron seasons but now enough is enough.
We need a goal scorer, simple. Cavini, Mertesacker, Remy and Klose must be brought in and Chelsea don’t want Drogba I will still have him.
very good blog. thank you
john, real intelligent input there, mertesacker is a centre half not a goal scorer, klose is past it in a big way and only turns it on for internationals these days, cavani has had one maybe 2 good seasons and already has a deal in place to make his loan at napoli permanent so would cost astonomically more than hes worth, remy hasnt set the world alight either.
as for drogba, 34 next year the power and explosiveness is going from his game and chelsea would never sell to us anyway.
all we need is a team that plays with more urgency going forward AND tracking back, we had this at times at the start and middle of the season, its why we looked so good, and injurys and apathy mounting up is part of the reason its gone but it always does so the team need to look at their own mentality
Totally agree with you, we don’t have plan B, always play the same brand of football but doesn’t always work,specially when the opponent start defending tightly. Unfortunately players only know to play 1 way, need to be more creatives or let them play a bit freely. Last season Bendtner score a few goals as a target man, the guy is 6ft4, not 5ft something, we should have use his height advantage.
am no soccer expert. But according to Koeman,a respected retired Holland international player and team manager,the gunners overplay.Even my 60 year old mother asked me,”Son,why do they pass so many times and why don’t they shoot?”
That the gunners are predictable is correct. IF you watch the gunners play you will know they like to engage in 1000,one thousand passes,before shooting. The element of surprise is gone.All the players and gk are comfortable.
Based on this observation even finishing second could be aproblem.If I aint wrong ,the gunners have a history of shooting themseleves in the foot.
In 2003 after taking 2 -1 lead against the red faced cunt,Giggs scored after one minute to level it 2-2.Why ?The players were too relaxed.If I aint wrong a team is most vulnerable after taking the lead or scoring. It happened in other well.Obviously lessons have not been learnt and this bad habitof conceding late goals will continue until WEnger drums into the players to stay focussed.
This season is going to be trophyless and until Wenger devises a plan to counter packed defencsethe trophy drought will continue.
Seriously,the Fm has a lot on his plate in the summer.If the gunners continue to playin the same style with endless passing,I am going to surrender my season ticket.
Wenger is blaming everyone,except himself,for the latest setback.Well judgement time will be dawning soon but it’s obvious the gunners won’t be able to win the title.The fm may disagree but it’s the truth and it hurts.
I think he has over reached.1998 to 2005,he was the red faced nearest competitor. Since then he has fallen to a distant number 2 and wont be a threat to the refc.
His wengerball of marathon passing has already its expiry date.When it first began,teams were shocked and surprised but have since learned to counter it.But Wenger did not upgrade and is paying for it.
To be highly predictable in football is dangeous.The gunners ceaseless passing in front of packed defences leads to a cul de sac though Wenger may disagree.
One only has to see how other teams score. They make minimum passes and are not afraid to shoot.They play direct and dont waste time in passing to eternity. Perhaps that is the reason why so many gunners get injured after being tackled after making so many thousand passes.