Just A Question Of When…
Ashley Cole will not be wearing an Arsenal shirt this season. That is clear.
He has publically slagged off the club that raised him, he illegally met with Chelsea representatives and he wasn’t in this years official team photograph.
So why isn’t Cashley at Chelsea yet?
It’s because Chelsea are making Arsenal sweat. Flexing their proverbial muscle if you will.
Don’t be fooled – they’re going to go ahead with the Cole signing, and they’re going to stump up the £25 million Arsenal want.
They’re just taking their time.
Why? Because they can.
When you spend as much money as Chelsea do on transfers you can do what you want. You control how things are done.
Why give Arsenal £25 million in July when they can hand it over in late August?
You don’t want to give a team like Arsenal a substantial amount of money early on in the summer – with Wenger’s eye for a bargain he could buy 3 or 4 brilliant players for that cash.
And William Gallas?
When you have the financial needs of Chelsea you can easily afford to let the guy rot in the reserves if he doesn’t play by the rules.
At any other club in the world, any player can engineer a move away from his club.
But not at Chelsea.
Here you are just another name on the list. You don’t want to play for us? Then you can see out the rest of your contract in the reserves. It doesn’t matter how big a player or how good you are – Chelsea can bring in 3 or 4 players of equal ability and reputation.
Don’t like it? That’s tough!
The fast he leaves, the better… but its not Arsenal who are sweating… its Cashley Cole…
Arsecole will go as you say. surely wenger must be ready to pounce on someone if he is going to (which I am beginning to doubt).
just watched the comm shield. didn’t think much of chelsea. they missed makalele but also their defence did not look all that tight. Ballack was a waste of money, but to be fair shevchencko looked quality. SWP looks up for it this season – with duff gone he should get more games. Liverpool are looking good. sissoko had a great game but needs to keep that level every time he plays. also can bellamy play at the top end of the table week in week out? we’ll see.
it made me think how much we need Diaby back in the squad. both liverpool and chelsea had powerful midfielders who win the ball and dominate that area.
it looks like it will be sooner then u think.
they wre rubbish and tried 3 different players at left back. expect the transferb to happenm in the next couple of days.,
Said something similar to my son on thursday, Chelsea will buy Cole but will wait as long as they can to try to make any purchases we need difficult to complete before the end of the window. However after todays performance Mourinho has to swallow his pride and ask Gallas to play L b again, or cough up quick before the first premier match.
Good points made.
Chelsea are obviously going to buy Cole, but the sneaky b*stards are going to wait until the last minute before paying us so we can’t buy anyone with the money!
haha!! michael ballack limped off when there was nothing wrong with him! he hated being out of position so much that he fained injury! how can you be out of the match with a bruised hip?! it’s not as if he pulled a muscle or anything…
even though chelscum have got rid of del horno and duff they’ve still got a lot of big name players who won’t be happy on the bench!
and did you see mourinho struggle with a left back today? we should keep cole and throw him in the reserves just so that chelsea have defensive problems!!
i think u r wrong
the deal hasnt been done because wenger still wants to keep him
& arsenal arent relying on the money for transfers, if we didnt have the cash to buy then im sure they could loan it or hold payment on the stadium
wenger wants to keep him so he is holding out for a large fee
chelsea dont want to give their rivals such a fee & believe they can get him cheaper because of the fall out, however arsenal wont budge if they dont pay it then we keep him
we are in control not chelsea, they will pay what we ask
this cashley cunt saga is boring my tits off! let the wanker leave, for gods sake! sell him to a championship side for a few bucks