After celebrating Arsenal’s fantastic win over Sevilla in the Champions League, news has broke that Chelsea and the so called ‘Special One’ have parted ways. I heard the news tonight while listening to Talksport, and whether this is a wind up (I wouldn’t put it past them) or actually happening is obviously open to debate.
The Daily Mail have reported it as well, and expect loads of other reports to surface in the morning.
I don’t actually believe it at the moment, as the ‘reports’ say that Mourinho texted players saying he’s leaving. That in itself sounds fishy.
But they again, I couldn’t really give a toss.
Although it looks like Gallas got out at the right time!
I’ll post some real news tomorrow when I review the Arsenal and Sevilla game. Ah, isn’t it a wonderful feeling winning the opening game of the Champions League?
Now time for some sleep…
Did I mention we managed to win our opening game?
With all Jose’s talk about eggs, it looks like the yokes on him…
in the most literal sense of the phrase- LOL
Since Jose Mourinho is resigning, does it mean that Chelsea does not need to pay off the remainder of his contract (which has almost 3 years to go)?
Jose Mourinho… probably Hotscum’s new manager 🙂
Jose is gone for sure. The Russian wanted Wengerball, but Jose never gave him that. He had to go and PL will be more fun for it…
Believe it or not chelsea is goin down.Jose the special one is gone, oh no shame to mr billionaire and his wealth which is like a waste to me. Hurrayyyyyyyyyyy Arsenal 3 Sevilla 0. Febregas i love u. We got him from nothing and he’s making us a great fortune what a world class player.
mate nice read dont mean to be a hassle but if you look at our next 5 fixtures(top of the screen) you will find that the newcastle game is not in fact a premiership game, but a carling cup game.
otherwise next site .
on mourinho i am rather surprised he has left, i know he can be a bit of an arse**** but he is good manager, and chelsea will be a bit lost without him we all know that terry, lampard, and drogba adore him what will this do to the chelsea players.
anyway who cares haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa arsenal arsenal
good game against sevilla.
good rsult against derby would be good becuase as united and chelski are playing each other.
i hope our youngsters beat the chewing long ball footbal fat sam
mate nice read dont mean to be a hassle but if you look at our next 5 fixtures(top of the screen) you will find that the newcastle game is not in fact a premiership game, but a carling cup game.
otherwise next site
cant believe mourinho is gone, he might be an arse**** but he is a good manager, we all know that players like terry,drogba,lampard adore him what will this do to chelsea.
anyways who cares arsenal arsenal. good result against sevilla sagna impressed me.
next up derby more of the same please.
then the chewing gum chewing long football fat sam lets hope our youngsters give him a footballing lesson.
First I gotta say I am an Arsenal fan… before I get flamed 😛
There are only 2 possible outcomes from this, first you have to look at the fact that their team is really good anyway, the fact that they played boring football was down to the manager, not the players.
When a new coach joins he will already have a good set of players and no doubt Roman Abramovich will probably give him a £100m transfer fund kitty as well!
2nd The ‘Galacticos’ factor, Chelsea do have a lot of big names now, perhaps a new manager (or set of managers) will come across the same problem Real Madrid did for a while. A new manager will have to comply with Abramovich’s demand for attractive football, can Terry & Carvalho be as tight in defence with their full backs making more forward runs?
I beleive every team needs support from the full backs to play attractive football which in return makes the defence more fragile, thats why Arsenal are more about scoring goals than keeping clean sheets, , a similar philosophy that also occurs at Old Trafford.
Will this end Chelsea’s superiority? perhaps, will the club be poor now? I doubt it, they are still a very attractive side for any other manager, would not surprise me to see Juande Ramos’ joining in the next few days.
a good win in anybody’s book.
as for jose… good riddance !
It’ll be interesting to see how loyal all these players are to Jose Mourinho!
For some reason I have a feeling that the players like Terry, Lampard and Drogba are more loyal to their Russian suger daddy!
As a Liverpool fan, I think this is great news.
Although Mourinho at times spouted some absolute bull**** e.g. all the times he stated ‘we were the better team’ after they’d been outplayed – the team’s record with him at the helm speaks for itself. Whoever they bring in to replace him could find it hard to maintain the team spirit and winning mentality that Mourinho was so effective at forging. And it appears that Abramovich is seeking a ‘yes’ man who will accede to the Russsian’s wishes. It all smacks of the farce at Real Madrid. These disruptions may hamper the team’s chances, and the only ones to profit then would be Man U , Liverpool and Arsenal.
If the truth be told, Chelsea have been playing below par consistently for ten months now. The style and way we play has been sometimes a strain to watch. I am a supporter first so winning is imperitive but some days were just not enjoyable to watch. We will miss Jose and we have to thank him for all he’s done, I’m more concerned with the new apparent manager ‘Grant’as I just can’t see it working, no wonder Mourinho was unhappy with the Grant arrival it looks all along as if he was there for other reasons. Disastrous timimg as well, tough games arriving Manu and Valencia, now that’s tough.
Russian millions will buy their loyality Wenger’s Immortals, dont doubt it. Just look to Cashley for the truth in it. Chelski collapse – wouldnt that be nice.
Anyway back to what matters. The Arsenal – We won. 3 Nil. Played some cracking football. More and more of the young and or new players are standing up to be counted. Still its early days yet so lets not get carried away.
But in the words of VanP “I am curious to see where this team is in may”
Well DeiseGooner, I think Van Persie will find we still have our manager in May! 🙂
Chelsea have made a big mistake. I hated the twat but he is probably the only man to give Chelsea success, I mean look at Raneri. He spent millions as well and didn’t win a single trophy!
For me Chelsea have lost a big part of their steel and won’t be as effective without Mourinho. Wonder if Chelsea will use Drogba or Shevchenko from now on?
Can I come back to Arsenal please?
It makes me laugh when people say Mourinho is a great manager.
The departure of the ‘Special One’ today says it all. To be a great manager you need stability, longevity and respect and he has none of those.
He is a manager who doesn’t commit long term.
Could you have even pictured Mourinho at Chelsea in even 5 years time? Of course not.
I’ve started a page to bid Farewell to Jose Mourinho at
it is great being a gunnerfan ,I think this is a nice site for Arsenal fans