Great result against Norwich today, Jose:
And below is a snapshot from an article from The Telegraph published at the start of the season:
Great result against Norwich today, Jose: And below is a snapshot from an article from The Telegraph published at the start of the season:Congratulations Jose Mourinho, You’re “The Specialist In Failure”
Congrat to him idiot manager
He is not a coacher only knows to arrange 10 players near the goal,even hazard realized chelsea was not made to play football but rugby.
Will the Chelsea owner show Mourinho the door??? All the recent coaches won silverware and were sacked. Jose’s Chelsea failed on all fronts this season. Talked a lot but end of the season nothing to show but egg yoke on his face.
Indeed a specialist in fairlure,a confused man,arrogant and a cheat,two straight trouphyless seasons with madrid and chelsea.I’m still laughing hahahaha…
Jose is an animal, all he knows is how 2 talk, he is a total failure, 4rm the special one 2 the stupid one.
He will certainly learn how to be humble and gentle as a real Manager. He should use his tongue to count his teeth.
Moaninho had it coming, it’s usually what happens to Big Mouth Bullies like him, well deserved not winning anything moreover showing such poor performances in his last games, but unfortunately he is not completely off, we cant deny he has a point, Wenger again with his lame excuses blaming injuries and not himself for being unable to build a team counting with the quality players we have.
He who fight and run away live to fight another day. He was a failure and a disgrace at Real Madrid now a specialist in failure at Chelsea. Spewing Cow dung with his bucal cavity has over taken his desire and ambition for trouphy. It all but serve him right.
You cant expect any team from a manager who claim with the buck of talent available to him , his team s a little horse i op dey ll grow by d time hazard nd co re thirty
He is Moron for sure, but what is Brendan Rogers doing in the stands behind him?
He Said Wenger Is A Specialist In Failure,at D End,his Words Hit Back At Him.Poor Tactisian,poor Mourinho,poor Chelsea
All empty can are the loudest of all and Mourinho has proven that,how can a team full of world class player failed to reach final of any trophy? Who is successful failure or specialist failure?
Architecte of!!!!
Mourinho is not coach at all, he is selfish man, he cant develop a player but acquire already world class players for his personal proclaim selfish interest.
Jose Mourinho is the best coach with insanity style of play, i pray that he never achieve anything great with Chelsea so that he can be sacked. Since he has no regards for his elders he will never achieved anything but failure.
Ogbeni Mourinho’stop talking rubis to elderler people’u her failure
Oga u no try at all o.must u show say u be yoruba man everywhere u go? Your spellings na one in
Really funny !!
Serves him right. I never liked him or chelsea anyway,am very happy for the way they lost against atletico madrid in the champions league. great job jose,u failed woefully!!! Congrats Arsenal,we finally made it!
Mouriho,a product of failure!
Mouriho’s soujourn,at Chelsea will continue to be saturated with failure.Mark my words.
Question of d day?????
Same on you, stupid coach. But you get mouth to talk rubbish. You better go Back to Portugal to become a farmers.
Haha, mourinho! How far have u fool dimwit gone?, you’re really a hogwash, even fergusson when he left, he knew, he had left one coach that’s wenger and who are u? looooong mouth.
Who cares about what Mourinho does ???He is not our coach and whatever he says about Arsenal should be ignored.The real elephant in the room is WENGER and why he havnt been ousted when he had run down his contract.
No mind the fela,all he knows is how to talk and play with ten defenders in front of Peter Cech
He is stupid and nothing he knows in the world of football except he is a specialist in the world of fools that dont limit their words
In recent years Wenger is seems to be a failure because of the development of new stadium which force the club to be constrain in buying top class players and this has forced some talented players to left arsenal but Mourinho always has enjoyed the company of the most top players yet He has delivered very little. both of them are not failures but may be Morinho
Hahahahahaha , can’t contain my laugh , poor Jose
Pls let him be.why are u guys wasting ur time on a self acclaimed ignorant creature like him.i dont need to talk abt him but abt my own football club
jose is aproduct of furlia empty tine afool with words
From the special one to the failure one
Abramovic is a joke for getting murhino in,Murhino is a joke and has had his words jammed down his throught trophyless chelsea specialists in failure by buying torres and murhino he can’t produce talent just buy it lol!!!!!!
he is gd at using money in transfer period bt has nothing gd to deliver to his player,and he is acomplete failure but not wenger.
who said he’s a manager…he’s a coach,bus maker,,,infact he lacks a class…since we have prof wenger
Talk too much, arrogant he as already said that he doesn’t fail too much if he add this to it then he his (specialist in failure) cos as big as real madrid nt getting a trophy there last season he is a failure.
Thank god they won nothing this year I can not stand listening to him. Blah blah blah
mourinho is a best….he do things because of his selfcenter……..a coach will train a player to be a world class…..not for morinho he like buying red made players in order to win trouphes……..fuck ur ass mourinho…wenger keep moving in glory!
mourinho is a beast…he do things because of his selfcenter……..a coach will train a player to be a world class…..not for morinho he like buying red made players in order to win trouphes……..fuck ur ass mourinho…wenger keep moving in glory!
Now all we have to do is win the cup come on you gooners to really shove it down murhino, s throught 17th of may here we come
Stupid idiot. I as coach fans
Morinho ur father
wenger is better than parrot mou
morinho is just a stupid outspoken who should go and try coaching rugby,he doesnt have soccer ideas,his just gambler,i wonder where he played his trade football coz he doesnt know can a coach arrange 10 players infront of a goal like all are goalkeepers and leaves 1 upfront,what kind of soccer is just gossipers who likes talking too much like a mad person,think he should be attending wengers classes for soccer lectures,stupid specialist in failure.
Abeg! Leave moron alone, he is born 2 fail lol
he is going to continue with out any trophy lol
Come on .Mourino’s overall record is still superior to Wenger.
The latter has won nothing the last nine years. The Portuguese has won
at least five major trophies.
Had the fm invested in a few quality players Arsenal could have fought
for the epl right to the end.
When you see how other teams have foiled MC/Chelsea and Pool you wonder
if you can still trust the fm for repeated collapses when closing on the epl.
Special one turns to foolish one!
Mourinho is a specialist at sucking-off Satan
congratulations jose u are more than a specialist in failure, he dont set up a team for a football match. u ought to know better.
ManureInho is a specialist in failure cs he changes football to rugby smething u wl never be,chicken minded him!!!
U can’t image they participatedin all four cups only 2 finish one step ahead of Arsenal-the FA finalist and most probably the winner come 17th.then he(Jose) goes on with his arogance 2 accuse Wenger as specialist in failure,he is not even ashamed,which manager on earth can b given real and chealse in two season and fail 2 carry home a single trophy?No one!
All I can say is one word KARMA. Will be so funny if Madrid win the FA cup and Arsenal FA cup and Mouthinho NIL. They could lose there last game and we could end up level on points. Come on Chelski sack Mouthinho.
What do you expect from a coach who cnt jst win a spoon without spending 100m plus or has he spent that this season no so jose is and has always been a failiour wtout d big cash he’s lousy n talks too much now 2year n still counting his troupiless era he’s a hipocrit who preaches wat he lacks oh poor chelsea fans mr wenger has off his coat of failiour to ur dear n beloved self acclaimed special one now I understand how special he could be in failiour up gunners (arsenal never back down) now I tink its a home calling for our fans from chelsea cos we all no most of u ar our fans out there on loan hahahaha hurry home bois…….
MORIHNO is the best coach in the world.He has won very many silver wears with different clubs.Just check how he has transformed chelsea again.Chelsea has beaten all the big clubs in England this season including the thrashing of Arsenol by 6 TO 0.Who is he specialist of failure here
Morihno is idiot and i dont know y some gv him special wat exactly quality he c on him