Just over 2 years ago, I wrote a post entitled “Olivier Giroud is f*cking awful. Why Arsenal need to get rid of him“. It was a post which funnily enough, given our recent plight, still resonates even 2 years on.
The fact of the matter is he is not good enough for a club that has aspirations of winning the Premier League or Champions League.
You need a world-class striker to win the major honours and I feel like I’ve made this point a million times. Manchester City have Aguero, Manchester United have Rooney and Martial, Chelsea have Diego Costa, Liverpool have Sturridge (sometimes) and even Tottenham have Harry Kane. Okay, some of those are not world-class, but they are at least big players who score on a regular basis (bar Costa obviously in a struggling Chelsea side, but last season when they won the league he scored for fun).
But Olivier Giroud? It’s fair to say he wouldn’t get in any Top 6 team.
Which brings me to Untold Arsenal. I don’t know who they are and never read their blog, but they published an article in January which has only just been brought to my attention. They ended up referencing the aforementioned blog post I wrote about Giroud (which fair to say, was not the most complimentary) and essentially mocked my post.
The “smug” Tony Attwood (he actually included the “smug” part in his name) couldn’t contain his smug-ness at those protesting that some people had the audacity to claim Olivier Giroud is shit. He cites a lot of facts and figures, including one which claims that only Lionel Messi has a better goals to minutes ration and that Olivier Giroud’s scoring record is better than Cristiano Ronaldo’s?
Anyway, he essentially laughs at those who dared to question Olivier Giroud’s quality and mocks those who think he’s crap.
The funny thing in all this is that “Smug Tony Attwood” wrote this article only 2 months ago. We can all agree I think that Olivier Giroud is nowhere near good enough for Arsenal yet I saw this two years ago! He “smugly” posts two years later and still gets it completely wrong!
This is the “amazing” striker that hasn’t scored in his last 12 games?
So I’m not sure you should be so “smug” any more, Tony.